How to Choose the Right ERP Solution?

How to Choose the Right ERP Solution

ERP software is a tool that helps organizations organize, automate, and transform their operations. It contributes to increased productivity and, as a result, growth.

Most of SMEs are actively looking to replace their old legacy system with new ERP system for their businesses – that says they are adding innovation to improve their internal business process, and to reduce the cost of maintenance and operations of the business.

Many successful business leaders of today acknowledged the value of having the right ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution for the enterprise.

We are fortunate to have a good ERP software available in the market for businesses, but the real problem is to choose an ERP system that fits for the business model? Also, how it helps the business operate more effectively?

An ERP software is a solution which helps the companies to organize, automate and transform the way they do business. It contributes to increased efficiency and subsequent growth.

How to choose the right ERP solution that fill gaps?

Adapting an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage all the business process is an effective way. However, the truth is that it is an expensive approach, and a lot of investment is involved.

Any organization adapting this ERP Solution need to be very selective due to high implementation failures. Numerous challenges must be overcome in the choosing process, and many decision points and variables should be considered while making final decisions.

In working with our customers, we listened to their priorities and goals and helped through the selection and planning process.

We are sharing few tips in making right decision in the selection process and proceeding with confidence.

SWOT Analysis

First business initiative – you should first define your current business processes and document all weak points, and strengths. This analysis should also include future work processes and the corresponding business requirements.

Technical and Functional fit

Business practices should never be compromised upon over software capacities. Businesses need an ERP solution that can handle all business needs. If the solution lacks key functions, then it will leave you worse off than you were before implementing the solution. It leads to dissatisfaction and lack of user adoption.

  1. Scalability –  ERP should be compatible enough to integrate with other systems in building complex system. It should be easily customizable over the time-to-time needs in the business. If the ERP can integrate seamlessly, then there are better chances of success and satisfaction.
  2. Mobile Friendly – As mobility increases across industries, accessing ERP systems should allow users to be productive on smartphones and tablets.

Budget Allocation

ERP systems are undeniably expensive, hard to integrate, and ROI-challenging, but if you can manage your funds, the result will be worth the cost of the solution. Make sure to calculate the solution’s “hidden costs.” Pay in installments after successful proceeding at each stage of implementation.

Vendor Selection

Right deployment partner is as important as selecting the right ERP software. Your partner will play a crucial role in the success of your entire ERP project both initially and over the long-term.

Expert in the Field – Make sure your partner has strong experience and solid references in implementing solutions in your field.

Technical Support – Make sure that you and your internal teams have good communications channel with the technicians of the vendors that assigned to work on your project.


When shopping an ERP solution provider, ask the vendor for at least three good references. Ask their customers about the success rate of their implementation and challenges faced in the process and solutions offered by vendor.