Myths of GDPR

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Unravel the Myths around GDPR, which is slated to go into effect on May 25.

With GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) coming to force on May 25 in European Union, companies are ensuring that all their ERP tools are GDPR complaint. Rumors are rife that an individual has complete right to govern his data, which is pushing companies towards taking some unpopular decisions such as sending emails to the existing customers asking their consent for receiving the emails. This is creating a negative impact on the ROI of companies, said analysts.

While GDPR stresses on the need to get the consent from the individual before it is released to someone, it also has some exceptions/ conditions, as in this rule is not absolute. Just imagine what would be the case if some criminal wants to get rid of his information from the records. Keeping in view of the same, GDPR comes with its own limitations. Any law enforcement body can ask any company to reveal the information about their clients.

GDPR even gives a special provision called ‘right to forget,’ to individuals working for companies. This will empower candidates to demand companies that their (individual’s) data be erased entirely from the system. The companies, however, can deny honoring this request in certain instances.

It is the need of the hour for companies to know the comprehensive picture of GDPR.

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